
Discovering Purpose: 5 Ways Your High Schooler Can Find Their Calling

Did it take you a long time to figure out your purpose in life? Were there people in your life who offered you clear guidance?

If you’re like most of us, it took a while to discover the path you were meant to take — and maybe even a few career changes before you got it right. But it doesn’t have to be that way for your teen.

Let’s show you how.

1. Celebrate Your Teen’s Unique Giftedness

It’s easy to think that you, and your high schooler, should follow the most common paths. But what if God has something else in mind? Wouldn’t it be a shame to miss that?

At Ambassador Christian, we have an entire program designed to identify and guide students toward the life God wants for them. And helping high schoolers discern their calling is woven into our mission statement and throughout everything we do.

We’re a brand-new high school in Huntersville, NC, and we’re building our school on the principle that we should celebrate the unique gifts, talents, and strengths of each student

That means, if we do our jobs well, some of our graduates will go on to prestigious colleges and universities to study medicine and engineering. Some will become highly sought-after chefs, professional artists and athletes, and valued mechanics. Some will minister in churches, in non-profit organizations, and at home.

All will be walking in their purpose.

2. Look for a Private High School that Offers Excellence in All Options

While your teen is searching for their purpose, you don’t want to limit them by choosing a school that’s strong in only one area.

A high school must offer excellence in all ways to support all of its students.

From the very start, Ambassador Christian will provide a rigorous, college-prep curriculum and access to state-of-the-art facilities and talented teachers and coaches.

A teaching garage for students to get hands-on mechanical experience

An impressive 2,000-seat auditorium where students can shine

A chance to train at the pro-level Human Performance Institute

An opportunity to travel and be of service to others through mission trips

An industrial kitchen where students can master culinary arts

And soon, we’ll break ground on the Sports Complex and our Workmanship Center, which will provide vocational training, personalized mentorship, and an entrepreneurship class that will enable our graduates to enter the workforce at a competitive level.

3. Gather Data by Testing for Strengths and Interests

But how will your high schooler know which direction or classes to take? You can take some of the guesswork out of that by choosing a school that tests for talents and areas of strength.

Students at ACS will be offered career, interest, and personality assessments starting in ninth grade.

4. Search for Dedicated Mentors

Milton Fleming

To help your teen make sense of all of the data — and all of what the world throws at them — they need expert guides and people who will come alongside them to encourage them.

We’re filling ACS classrooms with instructors and fields and courts with coaches who are committed to the discipleship process. They aren’t just interested in grades and scores, they are fully invested in helping teens thrive and become who they were designed to be. 

Those are the kind of people we’ve hired. And those are the people who will serve as advisors for your teen. 

At ACS, every high school student is assigned an advisor, and they meet regularly with that teacher in a small group setting. These advisory groups provide a consistent touchpoint so that teachers can share college and career information and help students prepare for the future.

5. Find a School that Partners With Parents

You saw your child’s eyes light up the first time they caught a ball and their smile when they experienced live theater. In some ways, you know their hearts even better than they do. You are an important part of this process.

You always have a seat at the table at Ambassador Christian. 

We want your valued insight and support so that, together, we can use these high school years to prepare your teen academically and spiritually for the road ahead.

Milton Fleming

Ready to hear more about our private Christian high school?

We’d love to meet you in person, answer your questions, and show you our 28-acre campus in Huntersville, NC.